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    Please read our Privacy and Return Policy carefully


Welcome to Parajumpers S.p.A.’s website (the “Site”). This page provides you with the information pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) regarding the processing of your personal data we collect when you browse the Site and interact with the related services.

The information provided here refers only to our Site and its possible subdomains and not to any other websites that may be visited through hyperlinks or links.

We encourage you to read this information carefully before providing us with your personal data.


Parajumpers S.p.A., with registered office at Sestiere San Marco nr. 3877, Palazzo Corner Spinelli, 30124, Venezia, email address privacy@parajumpers.it, Tax code and Vat Number 04630620278 and The Level S.r.l. (“TLG”), with registered office at Piazza Arcole 4, 20143, Milano (IT), email address privacy@thelevelgroup.com, are joint controllers of the personal data processed for all activities related to the purchase of offered on the Site. Pursuant to Article 26 of the GDPR, information on the basic content of the agreement between TLG and Parajumpers S.p.A. is available by emailing privacy@parajumpers.it.

Parajumpers S.p.A. is also the autonomous controller for the purposes of managing the Site and your registration on the Site (personal account), and for the marketing and profiling activities described in greater detail below.

TLG is also the autonomous controller for administrative and accounting purposes related to sales made on the Site and for the purpose of assisting you with your purchases.

Use of the term “Joint Controllers” refers to both Parajumpers S.p.A. and TLG. Reference to “Parajumpers S.p.A.” or “TLG” individually refers to either Parajumpers S.p.A. or TLG.


TLG has designated a data protection officer (DPO) who may be contacted by email at dpo@thelevelgroup.com.


a) Browsing data

Browsing the Site and accessing the related services involve the acquisition of some personal data relating to your browsing, such as, for example, the IP addresses or domain names of the devices you use to connect to the Site, the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment you use.

b) Personal data voluntarily provided by the data subject

The personal data you voluntarily provide when you register on the Site, access the related services, purchase a product or interact with customer support, such as, for example, personal information, contact details, purchasing data and banking data.

c) Cookies

The Site uses cookies. For more information on cookies and their use on the Site, visit the cookies page.


I. Parajumpers S.p.A. will process your personal data for the following purposes:

A Registration on the Site* (personal account): to allow you to create a personal account on the Site and to access and use the related services Performance of the contract or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract Until you delete your account or terminate the service
B For assistance with purchases made in brick and mortar stores or at another online store; for general and company information*: to respond to your request for general product or brand information Performance of the contract or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract (respond to requests sent by the data subject) For the period necessary to respond to your request
C Marketing: to send information and commercial communications, including promotional, regarding Parajumper S.p.A.’s products and services Consent For 24 months following the last communication sent
D Profiling: to analyse the data subject’s tastes, preferences, habits and behaviours so as to send him/her personalized marketing communications based on the data subject’s commercial and behavioural profile Consent For a period of 12 months from collection

II. Parajumpers S.p.A. and TLG will process your personal data for the following purpose:

E Sale of products*: to enter into and perform the sales contract for the products offered on the Site, including the management and fulfilment of purchase orders, the delivery of the products, the communication of any facts relating to the order, the management of payments and anti-fraud controls Performance of the contract or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract For the period necessary to process the purchase order (without prejudice to the further retention of the data where necessary for subsequent purposes)

III. TLG will process your personal data for the following purposes:

F After-sales assistance*: to manage and respond to requests you send us in relation to the products purchased on the Site, for example in relation to returns, refunds or complaints Performance of the contract or to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract For the period necessary to respond to your request (without prejudice to the further retention of the data where necessary for subsequent purposes)
G Compliance with legal obligations*: to comply with legal obligations (in particular civil, tax, public security, banking and personal data protection) Compliance with legal obligations For the period provided for by legislation. Billing data is kept for 10 years from the invoice issue date
H Disputes and the prevention of criminal acts*: to defend or assert a right and/or to ascertain and prevent fraud and other crimes or offences Legitimate interest of the Controller For the period necessary for the purpose for which the data are collected in accordance with the applicable legislation (e.g. provisions applicable to limitation periods).


The provision of data in the fields marked with an asterisk (*) for the purposes referred to in section 4(I)(A) and (B) and 4(II) and (III) above, is necessary to register on the Site, use the related services and purchase products on the Site. Failure to provide these data will make it impossible to obtain the products and services requested. The provision of data in the fields not marked with an asterisk, although useful in facilitating relations with Parajumpers S.p.A., is optional and the failure to provide them will not affect your obtaining the requested products and services. Regarding the marketing and profiling purposes referred to in section 4(I)(C) and (D), the provision of data is optional and your refusal means Parajumpers S.p.A. will not process the data you provide for marketing and profiling purposes. You may still register on the Site, purchase products and use the related services in accordance with the provisions of section 4(I)(A) and (B) and 4(II) and (III).


Parajumpers S.p.A. intends to pursue the purposes referred to in section 4(I)(D) (profiling) by analysing information about the data subject (derived, for example, from the purchases made), so as to send personalized marketing communications and carry out targeted promotional and business intelligence actions. The processing will be carried out with data and/or information processing tools and, once the data are cross-checked, a commercial profile will be created of the data subject on the web. For the same purpose, such data and/or information will be associated with data and/or information subsequently provided by the data subject or already held by Parajumpers S.p.A., including following the acceptance, if any, of the services offered by Parajumpers S.p.A.​


Your data will be processed by the Joint Controllers using mainly information technology and telematics. Specific security measures have been implemented to prevent data loss, unlawful or improper use of and unauthorized access to data. The Joint Controllers have adopted all appropriate security measures required by law. Your data will be processed by Parajumpers S.p.A. and TLG as autonomous Controllers using mainly information technology and telematics in compliance with the technical and organizational rules aimed at preventing the unlawful, improper or unauthorized use of data. ​


To pursue the purposes for which the data are collected, the Joint Controllers and Parajumpers S.p.A. and TLG as autonomous Controllers may communicate the data to the following categories of recipients or data processors:

• information technology service providers, e.g. internet service providers and cloud service providers

• persons who perform logistics, warehousing, promotional and delivery services for the Joint Controllers

• persons who perform customer service activities

• firms and other persons that provide assistance and consultancy services and services such as legal, fiscal, accounting, economic-financial, technical-organizational, data processing, communications

• entities that provide banking, financial, insurance and debt recovery services

• persons who perform fraud prevention and detection activities with respect to payments

• subsidiaries, parent companies, associated and affiliated companies

• public authorities and supervisory and control bodies.

The updated list of data processers is available upon specific request made through the methods indicated in section 12. For the sole purposes specified above, your personal data may also be communicated to people within the Joint Controllers/autonomous Controllers authorized to process the data by reason of their respective duties. No data collected on the Site are disclosed.


The personal data processed by the Data Controller may be transferred, exclusively to pursue the purposes indicated in point 4, to companies based in the United States of America (USA). This transfer will take place exclusively following the signing of the standard contractual clauses (S.C.C.) adopted by the Commission of the European Union (Art. 46, Paragraph 2, Letters C and D of the GDPR) between THE LEVEL USA CORP and the companies receiving the data.


The Site also includes social buttons/widgets. These social network icons (such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram) allow you to access the social network by clicking on the relevant icon. Through these tools, you can share content, recommend products from the Site on social networks, and more. By clicking on the social buttons/widgets, the social network may collect data relating to your visit to the Site. As stated above, this privacy policy does not concern the processing of your data by the social network. We recommend that you read the privacy policies of these social networks for more information on what they do with your personal data.

Aside from the data you voluntarily share with the selected social network by clicking on the social buttons/widgets, Parajumpers S.p.A. does not disclose or share any personal data with the social network.


The Site and services are intended for the sale of products and services to persons of majority age. The Joint Controllers do not intentionally collect the personal data of persons under the age of 18. By accessing the services of the Site, you represent that you are of majority age.


With respect to the personal data you provide, you have the right, at any time:

• to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed, and, if so, to access the personal data and obtain a copy (Article 15 of the GDPR)

• to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you or to have incomplete personal data completed, taking into account the purposes of the processing (Article 16 of the GDPR)

• to obtain the erasure of personal data concerning you under the grounds referred to in Article 17 of the GDPR

• to obtain restriction of processing in the cases referred to in Article 18 of the GDPR

• to object to the processing of personal data concerning you in the cases referred to in Article 21 of the GDPR

• to receive personal data concerning you (data portability) where the processing is based on consent or on a contract and if the processing is carried out by automated means (Article 20 of the GDPR)

• to the extent that you have given express consent to the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR), to withdraw your consent without prejudice to the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

To exercise these rights, send an email to privacy@parajumpers.it or to privacy@thelevelgroup.com. You may also exercise your rights by sending a letter to each Joint Controller at the address indicated in section 1, if the processing is carried out by them under a Joint Controller Agreement. Finally, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Personal Data Protection Authority) (the supervisory authority) according to the established procedures.